Our women's empowerment program "Making Shroom for Her" Mushroom Center of Excellence (COE) is starting to produce more and more each month.
First, we are so thankful for those who supported the development of this womens program. You have been able to provide three (3) new jobs for women in the community.
As production continues to increase and the COE is able to cover its operating costs (salaries, inputs, repairs, contingency), any income over operating costs will become micro-loan funds for the next womens business start-up agriculture project.
Pictured Right: Mushroom gardens prepared by the women volunteers that are staged in the "dark room" while the spores inoculate before fruiting, or becoming a mushroom.
Pictured Left: Mushroom gardens pulled from the dark room, hung and then bags are pierced to allow the fruit to grow freely.
Meet Jane, one of the women who you have helped employ. She is holding one of the mushroom harvests!
Through this project, you have begun to create gender equity closing the gender inequality gap where women have only been seen as labor, yet receiving $0.00 income
You have helped "make shroom (room)" for Jane in her community to learn a new tradeskill, start a business and be employed to have her own income towards a more sustainable future.
Focused on Self-Sustainability
The women have also gained additional knowledge in their new trade skills since they started the mushroom COE. These amazing women have also been able to learn how to create their own spores, reducing the costs to purchase from a supplier, to start the next round of gardens. Pictured below is the making of new spores!
We are so thankful for all who have supported us in this project! We have included the lastest monthly progress report for you to see how the women are doing, what they are learning as their risks and how they are moving forward to a more sustainable mushroom production center.