Mawerere Village
This was the second day of our pilot project training. The word got out, and we had an overwhelming response of farmers showing up. The community was very excited to receive the team and learn! One of the key issues in the community gardens here is that the coffee trees are over 30 years old.
30 farmers trained in Garden Maintenance
12 Youth formed their program – Mawerere Boon Piggery
17 women started savings group and are excited about joining the mushroom cooperative
63 farmers attended Pest/Disease and Harvest Training
Youth Engagement
The youth have formed their committee and selected to learn how to start and build a piggery. Two young boys were so excited about the youth program forming that they donated two (2) piglets to get their program started.
Women's Empowerment
The village women are also eager to begin their programs and have begun saving for their future to support each other and help each other succeed.