Boon Collaboration

Round-Up Partnerships
Its an easy ask of your customers and no impact to your bottom line!
Our round-up partnerships include key agricultural product developers and sellers. This includes coffee houses, coffee roasters, hemp producers, by-product developers and retailers, and more.
How It Works: Each partner would become advocates and ambassadors for our organization, projects and communities donating funds raised through their businesses received by their customers "opting" to round up to the next dollar on purchases.
That's right, no impact to our partners bottom line and just a quick adjustment in the POS. We will also give shout-outs about our partnerships on our social media pages and list you as a partner right here on our website! Free marketing friends!
Please let us know if you are interested in a "Boon" partnership with us through this awesome program by completing the contact form below.

Church Partnerships
Expand your global missions program and bring the boon of faith to origin!
We will be working in some very remote communities that have never had access with the outside world, nor have experienced the love of Jesus Christ. We would love to have churches or businesses join us in sharing the gospel and the love of Jesus Christ.
Come be a part of ongoing missions to reach our communities. Your organization can join us in helping a farmer rehabilitate or plant their crops, and/or support households during harvest season, helping alongside of them through the labor-intensive process while sharing the gospel. Your interaction and showing kindness and love is so powerful and life changing not only to our community members but will be for you as well.
Connect with us to learn more by completing the short for below!

Educate and Train Future Entrepreneurs
Increasing local consumption, product development and building a boon economy
Are you a roaster or barista looking to pay it forward? Are you a hemp cooperative with a product you would like to show a 3rd world community how create and build a business that will break them free from poverty?
TRIPS TO ORIGIN: Join us for trips to origin to help build businesses. Our goal with the boon project is to create additional business opportunities for our communities to pursue. They have dreams just like us and we want to bring you to them and help them make their business dreams come true.
SPONSOR A TRAINEE: Become a mentor or sponsor business to an aspiring roaster, barista or coffee house owner in these impoverished communities and help them see their potential to grow personally, professionally, economically, their community and out of poverty. Connect with a farmer or household interested in creating hemp by-products to help provide much need hygiene, medicinal, textiles, food supplements and more. Show them how to make these by products and create their own brand and exit strategy out of poverty.
Be a part of the great big boon! Complete the form below to let us know you are interested helping a future entrepreneur.